Loki Eliot / Odinboy removed article
The following was originally posted on the secondlife fandom wiki. Loki Eliot petitioned fandom admin to have the page deleted as slander (libel), for compiling links and evidence confirming the accusations against him. THIS IS NOT SLANDER, AS ITS TRUE! All facts contained within are from his own publications. No personal identifying information is provided, other than publicly available and his self published information. Readers can easily connect the dots themselves, once he stops trying to erase them. View the references, before he has these removed or buried too! If you have more to add, contact me through this blog or anywhere it’s posted. Uncomfortable truths are still true. (Any broken links from his cleanup will be restored as soon as possible.) In early 2024, Loki Eliot was named in an article alleging staff and members in SecondLife were participating in behavior sexualizing minors. While Loki Eliot wasn’t directly implicated in the sexual ageplay within the grid itse...