Why I Bother?


 I’m a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, but no longer a victim. It’s not only my past that’s driven me to press these issues, it’s that like many of you it was right under my nose. I supported Loki for years. I believed he was a positive influence, and good ambassador for a community rife with examples of what not to do. When the original Medium article broke, I initially blindly defended him and said the accusations had to be nonsense. Then I actually looked into them to prove it was false to others. The more I read and went through his old writings and art, the more I realized it was and had been glaringly true all along. The more I searched and found Odinboy666 art all over the web, the more I recognized it as Lokis hand. He denied and deleted trails immediately as they were pointed out and he was confronted. His ties to many within communities allowed him to have a broad voice of unwavering support, washing over what I was increasingly seeing with my very own eyes. Now at every turn, whistleblowing is being called slander and harassment, instead of people just opening their eyes and looking at what’s right in front of them. Just like so many other abusers when they’re caught, people don’t want to believe that someone they know and love is capable of such things, so they reject anything contrary to that and relegate those saying otherwise to the shadows. I was hurt. Ashamed I’d been so blind. Outcast at even questioning. Afraid to speak up and felt just like I did ages ago all over again. I was sick and angry. It’s no longer anger driving the actions now though, it’s waking up and refusing to allow the same thing that happened to me, happen again or happen to others. Refusing to just give up and let him win a war of attrition or a popularity contest, and then some day carry on monstrous behavior like nothing happened. 

You can say:

“It’s not him!” -you 100% haven’t looked then. Anyone familiar with his work can see it right away if they’re honest with themselves, and even those that aren’t familiar with him or his works can easily see it if they bother to look at the creations or read the writing styles side by side. Some even has his Lokiboy signature if you go enough back. Zero question. Some of the work is identical characters. Same grammar mistakes. Same interests in themes.  It’s all there for anyone that bothers to look. Same tools used. The works credited to Loki on IMDb, that he’s admitted working on, exist on the Kemono pages taken from Odinboys fanbox, with step by step creation posts of the cover art, and multiple mention of the studios stories based on his writing works. We all should’ve noticed that since he blogs most everything else, he would’ve blogged his film and graphic art work too. Well, he was. Just under another name. There’s a preponderance of evidence creating zero doubt.

 “it’s only art.” -Have you seen it at all? The things he’s created and the stories he’s written? The blood and vore? Stories of incest and graphic rape of young boys? The way the studio he’s doing work for and using actual child actors (that he’s also drawn nude),  glorifies child blood. Glorifies real child serial killers John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer? Regardless of one’s stance on what’s art and what’s filth, no one can logically defend these creations when viewed in their context together. Artists don’t blatantly sexualize their art and constantly refer to it as ‘fetish, sexy and hot’ and make references to it in such crass terms about fucking and how hard a minors cock is if it’s being made to be viewed artistically. They don’t sexualize real living child actors in TV and film, making mention of the things they’d do to them if given a chance. So stop that line. He also openly sells this smut per request. For a price, he will deliver what customers want from a disgusting menu of fantasies. Requesting a likeness of real friends and family is on his list of main courses too. He’s not using a talent, creating for others benefit or the joy and beauty of creating. He’s getting off on it and getting others off too. Artists also tend to have more than one subject matter than the fatal sexual abuse of young boys that dominate his portfolio.

 “He’s a good guy and done a lot for many communities, give him a pass.” -First, no. It’s textbook that a vast majority of child abusers and even murderers can claim the same thing. It allows them the trust and connections needed to brazenly abuse so many and get away with it for so long. Schools, Hollywood, scouts and churches. It’s how so many in their ranks abused literally thousands for decades and kept victims fearful and in the dark about speaking out, even to this day. Secondly, he was caught mid 2000’s. Convicted, slapped on the wrist and had a chance and therapy to correct his behavior. He didn’t, he just got more careful and started using two online identities instead of one. Also, even now he’s only removed all the accounts selling the smut and closed shoppe because he was caught, not because he had a change of heart or remorse in any way. If anyone thinks he won’t, isn’t planning to or hasn’t already resumed the behavior once the heat dies down, they aren’t too in touch with reality. 

“It’s only virtual worlds and children, not real ones. What’s the harm?” -Is it? His gaming avatars semi-celebrity status on multiple platforms allow him access to children across the metaverse. His old blog had extensive posts talking about always gravitating towards younger friends that he calls “Lee’s Acolytes”. His behavior is classically grooming in nature. He boasts on his Twitter and to friends often about having his young nephews over, playing games with them and their friends, which bear a striking resemblance to boys in his art and his stories of incest. The studio he’s made the child gore fetish films with, use real child actors. He made some of the cover art of the children in the nude for his fanbox subscribers. Some of those films also glorify actual child killers. The creations fuel fantasies of who knows how many other child abusers, that by sheer laws of probability, a percentage are actively abusing children in their day to day lives. His arrest over a decade ago specifically mentioned filming actual children in bathrooms. If even one child is hurt as a result of his actions or emboldening of another’s lust, then it’s been too many. 

“He didn’t sell his art in secondlife, so it’s not relevant” -It is though. I agree, it’s a ‘second life’, and people have a right to live it. But that goes for everyone he’s lied to, and continues to lie to. Everyone he’s used to promote G-rated events and communities over the years, that supposedly stood against this very thing. Those that likenesses are being used elsewhere for nefarious purposes. He’s made art of his goblin king from the escapades events, carrying off and devouring children. Of boys that look a lot like others in his goonies, participating in all manner of sexual activity. Some people in the community, have had a past where they were targets of violent abuse. It’s specifically mentioned by LL as a reason many play child avatars. They have a right to know if their events and communities, or even their very bodies and homes are being provided by a purveyor of material glorifying the sexual destruction of same. They have a right to live a second life free of monsters in masks, ogling them and fueling unspeakable fantasies murdering and raping children. They have a right to know when someone they trust and are publicly defending, pays his bills with child porn, and has been for over a decade. That he admitted at his first arrest that he sexually gets off on the rape, killing and consumption of nude erect children, and that he now provides literally volumes of those materials to other monsters that do too.

“The important bits were about Patch and Linden staff.” -agreed. That all is also important, but I’m not familiar enough with those individuals and those communities to have specific relevant information to share. I’ve heard gossip and hearsay, but those don’t help. They seemed to also have a head start cleaning up their online histories. Loki didn’t and it was easy to look into. If I did have anything on the others, I absolutely would make mention too. I hope anyone else that does have knowledge and documentation finds a way to do the same. I know it’s not easy, but people like these grow stronger from others silence. They’re not just hoping for the public’s short attention span, they’re counting on it to survive. They thrive on it. I will also add, that if Patch and those are doing the same thing Loki is doing in erasing tracks and hoping to wait it out, then I hope law enforcement gets involved there too. LL claims an outside investigation, but that could be a PR firm plugging leaks and catching anything the accused missed. Protect the company image. Security firms for example, do the same in hiring hackers to test their firewalls.

“So why not go to authorities?” -Bit silly to assume people haven’t isn’t it? I’d ask all others with any pertinent information they may have, to do the same. No matter how small, it can help.

anonymous crime stoppers -uk.

UK police cyber-crime

Iwf uk

 Or in the US:

UCMEC works with FBI

“It’s therapeutic for abuse victims!” -Yes his supporters have given up the denial as words out, and evidence is clear.  Now they’re grasping at this straw to defend both his creations and their desire for it. Loki isn’t a doctor prescribing that crap to only the few he’s professionally vetted through therapy and decided they need it as a last resort. He’s admitted on his Odinboy profiles he makes these because he gets off on it. He posts them on fetish sites. He makes it publicly available as well as sells custom requests to the highest bidder. Thats like saying a drug dealer is helping addicts. Doctors can prescribe some drugs to those who need it in controlled settings. Other people handing them out for fun or for cash is illegal. He may be providing the smut to victims of abuse that want the material, but not need it medically. Even then, not intentionally, as it’s available to anyone for any reason. The only thing that line of defence accomplished was making his supporters look worse, and bringing more views to the tweets they commented on. The exchanges bumps it to the top of peoples feed. I had hundred more views on the article during it. 

So what do I think should happen now? 

Regardless of debate about what’s art and what isn’t, what he’s making and has made is illegal in the UK. Regardless of debate of his reasons for creating and providing it to some, it fuels fantasies of sexual violence against children for others too. He’s also a prior offender. Justice should take its course. As to what I think he should do. Just deleting the Odinboy666 trails and casually walking away whistling definitely won’t do. Being caught and eliminating only the one identity is grossly insulting. Loki Eliot should vanish too. He’s betrayed and more pressingly, continues to betray many people’s trust and he’s forever tainted many good things in many people’s second lives. Pay the price for that destruction. Apologize to the members and communities that have been discraced, and take responsibility for what you’ve done to them. Show the people and groups the respect they deserve. Show the public that not all in those communities are monsters. Having your cake and eating it too, trying to hide the truth and go on like nothing happened is disgustingly disrespectful to those still standing by him. Also indescribably harmful to those that sought refuge and another chance in those communities, free from association with the very things you create. You’ve undone their efforts. Own it. He owes everyone the truth and he doesn’t deserve their misplaced faith and trust. Those near you now look hideous for still supporting you, and that will get worse as more and more people across the metaverse learn the truth. This won’t go away. Owning up is the only way to destroy the growing monster he’s created, and to stop it from continuing to harm the people and communities that once called and still call him friend. 

Do I think he will? No. Not yet. Too selfish and too cowardly.  Not until he has no other choice, and even then he’ll feign some sort of martyrdom to his supporters. He’s still trying to grasp and hold onto his sinking ship, even though he chose its path and steered it into the rocks. He’s hoping people will ignore, forget or move on. Public attention spans are short. That’s how the perverse and sick survive so often. That’s why I bother. That’s why I keep the light on the shadows. Keep the roaches running.

Do I think it’ll make any difference? It does to me. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try. How he lives with himself now is numbing. How some others ignore the obvious and stay quiet or worse, know and still shield and enable him is beyond me. Every day that passes it’s becoming more apparent many of his supporters know now or already knew, and still supported him all along. Makes sense as he had to have a lot of customers, and Odinboy had many fans and supporters before he destroyed those profiles. His commission slots in archive looked like they were always full and at a premium. Really all nails in the coffin for many child avatar advocates across platforms. Undoes everything he used to claim to stand against. Casts ugly spots on hard working, innocent groups and events like Fantasy Faire. Illuminates a dark kind of people he associates with and confirms for many what people have felt for years about those that choose to play child avatars. Plenty of reason for people to assume all child avatars are blood thirsty paedophiles now, just like their poster boy. And sadly, looks like many of them are and have been for a while.  So, if there’s even a fractional chance of any of this protecting a child somewhere, some day from either him, or someone emboldened by his work, then I’ll persist.

This is just the beginning. 



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