Loki Eliot: removed article

The following was originally posted on the secondlife fandom wiki. Loki Eliot petitioned fandom admin to have the page deleted as slander (libel), for compiling links and evidence confirming the accusations against him. THIS IS NOT SLANDER, AS ITS TRUE! All facts contained within are from his own publications. No personal identifying information is provided, other than publicly available and his self published information. Readers can easily connect the dots themselves, once he stops trying to erase them. View the references, before he has these removed or buried too! If you have more to add, contact me through this blog or anywhere it’s posted. Uncomfortable truths are still true. (Any broken links from his cleanup will be restored as soon as possible.)

In early 2024, Loki Eliot was named in an article
alleging staff and members in SecondLife were participating in behavior sexualizing minors. While Loki Eliot wasn’t directly implicated in the sexual ageplay within the grid itself, it was claimed that he had under an alter ego (Odinboy666), been creating and selling simulated child pornographic images (worst not linked due to graphic nature. Google at own risk) and graphic written stories for many years. Both often contained the rape, incest and sexual arousal of child victims of violence. Possession and especially creation of these types of materials are illegal in his home country of the UK, as well as meeting criteria established by the US Supreme Court to violate obscenity laws. Searches through Loki’s old Demonkid666 blog and the Odinboy666 galleries made it very apparent from multiple similar artistic styles, themes, blogging styles, ability progression timeline, writing styles, grammatical errors and even identical original character creations like these that they were in fact the same creator. Some of Odinboy666 very early works (searchable on rule34.paheal) even bear the Lokiboy watermark once used in SecondLife & YouTube, on subjects specifically mentioned in his blog. Prior edits to this wiki article also include the 666 moniker, as well as a contributor name ‘whiteboy’ also being the name of an uploader to rule34 images. It additionally put an unsettling context to the revelation that he had by his own admissions, worked with a studio creating fetish
, and short films based on cannibal paedophiles, serial child killers and graphic violence against children, using many real child actors.
As these facts were repeatedly brought to light, Loki shirked all responsibility, and denied any of the blatant connections. He then immediately began deleting and removing all old Loki blogs ,Odin galleries and accounts, as well as changing multiple account names, in an attempt to destroy the connecting trails. These attempts were too late however as many had already archived and screenshot them in their original form, and IMDb reviewed name changes for accuracy. It also served to underscore the identities being the same individual, as both initiated deleting histories and pages at the exact same time. Many traces of old blogs, art and unchanged Twitter handle links still remain public however, after years of commenting and utilizing forums and pages. Combing through one of the oldest blogs (Demonkid666), also revealed that in mid 2000’s, Loki’s previoisly unexplained months long absence and subsequent unemployment had been initiated because his typist in real life, Lee Cooke from Devon (found publicly in a since deleted blog post and credited here as Escapades logo creator. And here in an original pencil sketch he published.), had been charged and plead guilty on 10 counts related to child sexual abuse materials. The charges stemmed from possession and production of dozens of images showing “particularly serious abuse of children” as well as videos he had created with hidden cameras in bathrooms and out windows of his home. He was given a short, suspended sentence as a first time offender, and under the hope that rehabilitation could be done and make him “a more useful member of society by dealing with his sexual distortions.”. These efforts unfortunately failed, as numerous galleries show his behavior resumed under the new Odinboy name shortly after his release from supervision.

Loki/Lee’s denial in the face of increasingly overwhelming evidence made it difficult to determine if those continuing to stand and defend him were just ignorant to the facts, blindly believing his lies, choosing to ignore the truth from embarrassment or had in fact been complicit participants to his actions all along. Either way, what was certain is that the multiple communities and organizations he once represented suffered irreparable damage to their reputations because of his deviances and their negligence.

on April 20, he began a campaign of further silencing the truth by deleting sourced information on this wiki. This only strengthened the resolve to make the community aware, and launched new plans to make sure the truth found its way to members.

At the end of April, following the attempts at silencing the facts coming out about him and removal of Wiki, the old abandoned blog names (demonkid666 & lokiboy) were claimed. This ensures that multiple old links from content he created now links to a reference for facts about his behaviors. 

Some archived links have been removed from archive site as well, with many showing as “Excluded”:


Working on restoring them to their saved state with the archive administration, and hoping they’re available to law enforcement.

*note: Loki edited the wiki, then filed report as “slander” to fandom staff. They removed the content, but primarily because the fandom shouldn’t have had avatar articles in the first place. IMG-4851

Important context:



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